Services for Survivors | National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) Skip to main content
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Services for Survivors

How Local Service Providers Made Sure Survivors Could Access Resources During the Pandemic

I wrote this blog 18 months after the SARS-CoV2 virus landed with an American passenger in Washington state. In March 2020, the virus was declared a pandemic, and the world went into quarantine. For some people, this was a welcome respite from their daily commute and a chance to spend more time with family.

Foundations of HUD Coordinated Entry and Housing for Survivors of Sexual Violence NSVRC Wed, 09/22/2021

These sessions provide attendees with a foundational understanding of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Continuums of Care (CoC) and a practical understanding of the coordinated entry process. Information includes ways communities can design coordinated entry access points, trauma informed assessment and prioritization approaches, and data safety considerations.

Working with Male Survivors: Talking to Men with Disabilities About Sexual Assault Megan Thomas Mon, 06/14/2021

How We Talk About Working with Male Survivors of Sexual Assault, Harassment, and Abuse

How we talk about sexual violence matters. Whether you’re describing your center’s services to a friend, talking with a classroom of college students about preventing sexual harassment, or writing your agency’s newsletter, the words you use have an impact on how audiences understand those topics. They also have an impact on who sees themselves as eligible for your center’s services.