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Sexual Violence

Preventing and Responding to Domestic & Sexual Violence in Later Life

This special collection brings together selected materials related to preventing and responding to elder abuse, specifically domestic and sexual violence. In doing so, it draws from the work of the National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life (NCALL), National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC), National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA) and other organizations.

Making Sense of DNA Backlogs — Myths vs. Reality

This National Institute of Justice Special Report addresses the question of why backlogs of DNA evidence awaiting testing persist even after the federal government has provided hundreds of millions of dollars to eliminate them. Answering this question requires understanding both what a backlog is and how backlogs can be reduced; this report provides that understanding. (NCJ 230183)

Publish Date

June 2010


This guide provides information on developing gender literate sexuality education designed for policymakers, curriculum developers, and educators in order to develop sexuality/HIV education materials that also teach critical thinking about gender norms and roles. 

Publish Date


La violencia sexual y el espectro de prevención

Esta hoja informative está basada en la publicación Sexual Violence and the Spectrum of Prevention: Towards a Community Solution (La Violencia Sexual y el Espectro de Prevención: Hacia una Solución Comunitaria). La hoja provee un resumen del marco conceptual del Espectro, desarrollado por Larry Cohen del Prevention Institute (Instituto de la Prevención), y cuenta con ejemplos de intervención en los seis niveles del espectro. En Inglés.

The Minnesota Summit to Prevent Sexual Violence E-Report

This electronic report contains text summaries, audio recordings, and videos from MNCASA’s Minnesota Summit to Prevent Sexual Violence held in St. Paul, December 3-4, 2009. This report is designed to provide ideas and resources for leading prevention initiatives in your spheres of influence

(This E-Report is an evolving document. We encourage you to check back for updates on outcomes, actions, and resources)

The Minnesota Summit to Prevent Sexual Violence E-Report

OVC Technical Assistance Guides Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 02/02/2010

This series of four guides was originally developed for OVC and the grantees who received funding to serve victims of human trafficking. The guides have since been adapted for use by other grantees and organizations that provide programs for victims of any type of crime.

The guides include: