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Sexual Violence

World Report 2010

This 20th annual World Report summarizes human rights conditions in more than 90 countries and territories worldwide. It reflects extensive investigative work undertaken in 2009 by Human Rights Watch staff, usually in close partnership with human rights activists in the country in question.

World Report 2010


Publish Date

January 2010

Sexual Victimization in Juvenile Facilities Reported by Youth, 2008-09 Anonymous (not verified) Thu, 01/07/2010

Presents data from the 2008-09 National Survey of Youth in Custody (NSYC), conducted in 195 juvenile confinement facilities between June 2008 and April 2009, with a sample of over 9,000 adjudicated youth. The report provides national-level and facility-level estimates of sexual victimization by type of activity, including youth-on-youth sexual contact, staff sexual misconduct, and level of coercion.

2008 Gender Relations Survey of Reserve Component Members

This report includes a summary of Department of Defense (DoD) policies and programs associated with sexual assault and a description of the WGRR 2008 survey content and methodology. In addition, the report includes an analysis of the prevalence of Reserve component members’ experiences of unwanted sexual contact, sexual harassment, and sex discrimination in the Reserve components in the twelve months prior to taking the survey and the details of incidents they have experienced.

Comprometer a los espectadores en la prevención de la violencia sexual

Este libro presenta la necesidad de una orientación urgente sobre la importancia de comprometer a los espectadores en la prevención de la violencia sexual. El relato proporciona el fondo necesario para el desarrollo de un enfoque que nos permita a todos involucrarnos con el fin de impedir esta calamidad. El libro analiza diversos motivos por los cuales una persona podría decidir tomar o no medidas al presenciar una variedad de comportamientos inapropiados, y describe formas de alentar y promover un mayor compromiso por parte de los espectadores.

False Reports: Moving Beyond the Issue to Successfully Investigate and Prosecute Non-Stranger Sexual Assault

The article begins by reviewing up-to-date research suggesting that the rate of false reporting for sexual assault is in the range of 2-8%.  It also critiques prior research suggesting that the rate of false reporting is far higher, and explores the reasons why this issue is so challenging for professionals in the field.  Questions addressed in the article include the following:

Maze of Injustice

This report from Amnesty International highlights the issue of sexual violence among indigenous women in the United States.  Interviews were conducted with Native American and Alaska Native survivors, their families, activists, support workers, service providers and health workers.  Issues of marginalization and discrimination are discussed as well as jurisdiction, policing, and prosecution problems.  Recommendations for addressing violence against indigenous women are also offered.

Indigenous Women’s Reproductive Justice: A Survey of the Availability of Plan B and Emergency Contraceptives

This survey examines the access and inconsistent application of emergency contraceptives within the Indian Health Service system. This study looked at two major issues: the availability of Plan B as an OTC drug and the availability of Plan B during the delivery of sexual assault services.


Publish Date


Helping Sexual Assault Survivors with Multiple Victimizations and Needs: A Guide for Agencies Serving Sexual Assault Survivors

The Guide identifies issues and considerations unique to survivors who have experienced multiple victimizations and have multiple needs and describes advocacy and organizational approaches. Developed specifically for rape crisis centers and victim advocates working within criminal justice system agencies, the Guide offers practical strategies for assessing and enhancing responses to this specific population. 

Publish Date