Equality South Dakota
White Buffalo Calf Women's Society provides services to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking. Our work is guided by the teachings of Pte’ San Win to restore the spirt of every individual who seeks our help in their time of need. We extend our knowledge and cultural resources to empower our community to end violence in and around Rosebud Reservation.
The South Dakota Coalition Ending Domestic & Sexual Violence (SDCEDSV) is dedicated to the reclamation of the respected, autonomous and safe status of women who have been battered/raped, and their children and therefore is committed to the elimination of personal and societal violence in the lives of women and their children.
South Dakota Coalition Ending Domestic and Sexual Violence
Operated by Cangleska, Inc., Sacred Circle aids tribes and tribal organizations to stop violence against Native women. It addresses violence against Native women in the context of the unique historical, jurisdictional, and cultural issues that American Indian/Alaska Native Nations face. It provides the focal point to establish a multi-faceted systemic response to facilitate non-violence in American Indian/Alaska Native communities, and to establish a domestic violence and sexual assault agenda for American Indian/Alaska Native tribes and tribal agencies. It also provides access to culturally specific information, materials, and specialized training institutes. The primary audience of Sacred Circle includes more than 500 federally recognized American Indian/Alaska native nations in the United States. Its focus is directed toward professional providers serving these communities, including tribal law enforcement personnel (judges, prosecutors and court workers), probation officers, shelter advocates, and batterer intervention providers.