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Crisis Connections JL Heinze Thu, 05/26/2022
  • General Reception

  • 24-Hr Crisis Line

  • Teen Link

  • WA Relay

  • WA Recovery Help Line

  • WA Warm Line

State or Territory Served

Crisis Connections offers support, training and resources to individuals in crisis.

Contact > Crisis Connections

Consejo Counseling and Referral Service

About this Organization

Consejo is a licensed, award-winning treatment center offering outpatient behavioral health care, trauma-informed care, and supportive transitional housing to survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, as well as their families. Since 1978, Consejo has been providing services to children, youth, adults, and elders in King, Pierce, and Thurston/Mason Counties.

Contact Information

After Hours & Weekend Crisis Line:
Linea de Crisis de KC/Tacoma/Shelton:
For information call us at:
King County: 206.461.4880
(8:00AM-5:00PM PST)
or After Hours & Weekend Crisis Line:
(206) 461-3222

For help with domestic violence only,
call Línea de Ayuda Paz en el Hogar/Peace in the Home Hotline
in Spanish 24 hours a day, 7 days a week:
1 (888) 847-7205

Pierce County Warm Line/Linea de Bienestar de Salud Mental:
Tacoma (253) 285-4755
Graham (253) 285-4751
(206) 461-3222

Type of Organization
State or Territory Served

Refugee Women’s Alliance (ReWA)

About this Organization

Refugee Women’s Alliance (ReWA) is an award-winning, nationally recognized nonprofit that provides holistic services to help refugee and immigrant women and families thrive.

Contact Information

Address: 4008 Martin Luther King Jr. Way S, Seattle, WA 98108
Telephone #: 206-721-0243 Fax #: 206-721-0282 Helpline #: 1-888-847-7205
Website: www.rewa.org
Language Capacity: Amharic, Cambodian, Farsi, Laotian, Mandarin, Romanian, Russian, Somali, Thai, Tigrigna, Ukrainian, Vietnamese
Publications: Videos on sexual assault in Cambodian, Chinese, Ethiopian, Russian, Somali, Vietnamese communities

Behavioral health services (counseling); case management; advocacy; legal assistance; support services to immigrant and refugee victims of family violence and trafficking; support groups for refugee and immigrant battered women and those at risk of becoming victims of domestic violence; community education and outreach; training; Information and referrals; employment and vocational training; ESL classes; housing and homelessness prevention; naturalization and legal services

  • Shelter and 24-hour hotline
  • I&R: Information & Resources
  • Support services for residents and non-residents
Type of Organization
State or Territory Served

Equal Rights Washington

About this Organization

Equal Rights Washington (ERW) is Washington's statewide lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) advocacy and community outreach organization. ERW's mission is to ensure and promote dignity, safety, and equality for all lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer Washingtonians.

Contact Information

PO Box 2388
Seattle, WA 98111
(206) 324-2570

State or Territory Served

The Northwest Network of Bisexual, Trans, Lesbian, and Gay Survivors of Abuse

Telephone 1 Type
Telephone 1
206 568 7777
Telephone 2 Type
Telephone 2
206 325 2601
About this Organization
  • We help individuals and communities build loving and equitable relationships.

  • Our services are survivor-centric. We work with LGBTQ survivors to strengthen their own social networks and actively resist abuse.

  • Our roots are in the community. LGBTQ people’s intimate relationships and experiences of victimization have been dismissed as marginal, unnatural or insignificant. As one of only a handful of LGBTQ-specific domestic violence agencies in the United States, we bring the experiences of LGBTQ people to the forefront of our work.

  • All participants have the right to support that respects their complex lived experiences and does not value people differently based on their race, color, ethnicity, religion, family structure, sexual or gender identity and expression, national origin, immigration statues, physical or mental health status, disability, physical appearance, substance use, economic status, or engagement in sex work.

  • Our direct services are all free and confidential. We also offer resources for organizations and providers working in the field.

Contact Information

P.O. Box 18436
Seattle, WA 98118

State or Territory Served

Consejo Counseling and Referral Service

About this Organization

Consejo Counseling and Referral Service is an award-winning agency that has provided behavioral health services to the Latino community in the state of Washington for near four decades. Most Consejo’s clients are immigrants from Latin America who speak Spanish who represent the largest growing community in the United States today. The outcomes demonstrated by Consejo across Washington State have won it a noteworthy national reputation for providing culturally competent services designed to address the diverse needs of adults, children, adolescents and families in the Latino community.

We provide a continuum of behavioral health, substance abuse and domestic violence services including prevention, treatment and housing to individuals and families across Washington utilizing an interdependent treatment model so clients experience acceptance, emotional security and developmental growth while learning new skills to improve the quality of their lives. Consejo’s service delivery empowers clients to participate in their communities at their highest level of functioning.

State or Territory Served

Chaya Seattle - Domestic Violence Prevention Centre

About this Organization

Chaya Seattle take measures in fostering and strengthening the well-being, development, peace, love, and joy among communities across the Seattle region by means of outreach programs, education, and other sort of program awareness on the prevention of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking. Guided by our core values of integrity, equity, and dignity, Chaya Seattle envisions people across the world helping each other out and restoring the prosperity of the oppressed to create a brighter and sustainable future for the younger generation.

We serve through our innovative and collaborative efforts with other agencies to counsel victims of violence. We understand the diverse cultural norms and stigmas incited by violence to each individual, thus we conduct direct-services program. Through this, we are able to give our clients of all genders and sexual orientation the support that they need so they can start a new and better life.

State or Territory Served
API Chaya Taylor Teichman Fri, 05/15/2020
State or Territory Served

API Chaya empowers survivors of gender-based violence and human trafficking to gain safety, connection, and wellness.  We build power by educating and mobilizing South Asian, Asian, Pacific Islander, and all immigrant communities to end exploitation, creating a world where all people can heal and thrive. 

API Chaya offers support, referrals, information, safety planning, and also simply to listen, on our confidential helpline. We offer support groups multiple times per year for survivors of sexual abuse/assault and human trafficking. Support groups offer opportunities to share experiences, focus on healing, connect with others and build skills in a supportive, engaging environment. API Chaya Advocates assists survivors and their families with exploring options and in accessing a wide range of resources and services to meet their unique needs, including resources and referrals for housing, legal and immigration assistance, mental health, food and financial assistance programs.

FaithTrust Institute Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 03/01/2011
Type of Organization
State or Territory Served

FaithTrust Institute is a national, multifaith, multicultural training and education organization with global reach working to end sexual and domestic violence.