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Abr 17, 2018
Fear must not keep us from having bold conversations Fear limits our ability as sexual and domestic violence prevention advocates to address the roots of violence. It’s the fear of talking about racial inequity – saying the wrong thing or being called racist – and also fear of retaliation for wanting to talk about it. In turn, we can recreate these same inequities within organizations. This conversation is for everyone – we all need to work from the places we have privilege. Helping us along the way is a new report from The Center for Survivor Agency & Justice’s (CSAJ). Showing Up: How We
Abr 17, 2018
Not only is April the time that we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month, but it is also the month where we can expect torrents of rain. As I stare out the window wishing for the buckets of rain pouring down from the sky to cease immediately, I find comfort in reading about individuals who embraced their own voices to bravely stand up for themselves and others. The beauty that comes through in their words makes the dreariness outside a little more bearable. If you are looking for remarkable stories to inspire your 2018 SAAM campaign, I highly recommend the following.  Men Speak Out:
Abr 13, 2018
By Carol May, Communications Intern for NSVRC  A lot.  One person can make a tremendous difference, and countless people are making a difference, all over the country, every day.  I might have answered that question more cynically a few weeks ago. As an intern at the NSVRC, I come across countless news articles, facts and figures, and survivor stories, all of which demonstrate how commonplace sexual violence is in our society. The flood of information can make it feel like sexual violence might be impossible to bring to an end, given its prevalence.  One internship project I’ve been working
Abr 12, 2018
The National Sexual Violence Resource Center is on-site as the Bill Cosby trial progresses to provide insight and expertise in response to key statements made during the courtroom proceedings. For more information or to discuss any of the comments below in more depth, contact media@nsvrc.org or Joseph Diebold at jdiebold@gpg.com or (202) 481-8724. Key observations:  During cross-examination of the victims who have taken the stand, defense attorneys Tom Mesereau and Kathleen Bliss noted the differences in details between police reports and victims' accounts of their experiences. What you
Abr 11, 2018
April 11, 2018                                                                                                                                                             Laura Palumbo, Communications Director National Sexual Violence Resource Center 877-739-3895, ext. 128; lpalumbo@nsvrc.org  PRESS RELEASE: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE    National Sexual Violence Resource Center Recognizes Leaders in Sexual Violence Prevention With 2018 Visionary Voice Awards Recipients include #MeToo creator Tarana Burke, Nevada State Senator Patricia Spearman, Connecticut State Senator Mae Flexer Harrisburg
Abr 10, 2018
Harrisburg, Pa. – The National Sexual Violence Resource Center announced that Yolanda Edrington will be the new Chief Operating Officer serving as the leading nonprofit’s Director. Edrington will replace former NSVRC Director Karen Baker, who was recently named the Chief Executive Officer of PCAR/NSVRC.   Formerly NSVRC’s Associate Director, Edrington has served as the organization’s Interim Director since Baker took the helm of PCAR/NSVRC as CEO. Prior to joining NSVRC, Edrington had over 15 years of experience in leadership and community engagement from organizations including Hamilton
Abr 09, 2018
April 9, 2018                                                                                                                                                              CONTACT: Kristen Houser, Chief Public Affairs Officer  National Sexual Violence Resource Center 814-933-9960khouser@nsvrc.org Laura Palumbo, Communications Director National Sexual Violence Resource Center 201-725-3690lpalumbo@nsvrc.org Note: If you are unable to reach Kristen or Laura, please contact Joseph Diebold at 202-481-8724 or jdiebold@gpg.com. ***MEDIA ADVISORY*** Sexual Violence Experts on Site at Cosby Trial
Abr 05, 2018
Por: Carol May En los Estados Unidos, abril ha sido designado Mes de Concientización contra la Agresión Sexual (SAAM, por sus siglas en inglés). Durante SAAM, los activistas generan conciencia pública sobre la prevención de la agresión sexual para y en sus comunidades. La campaña este año enfoque en empoderamiento y derechos del cuerpo para desafiar actitudes y comportamientos dañinos y crear una cultura de respeto. Esta campaña fue creado por empleados de NSVRC que son bilingües y biculturales. Querían crear algo único para su comunidad que habla de la tema de agresión sexual. Es un tema
Mar 30, 2018
Evaluation is key component of successful prevention programs – it helps us know what is working, what we should change, and can help us track how we got to where we are now. Okay, I can practically hear people tuning out right now. Don’t do it, though – stay with me! I do a lot of trainings in my work, and there are always a lot of eye rolls and sighs when program evaluation comes up. I get it – evaluation can feel tedious, like it’s not getting you the information you want or need, and like it’s taking time away from your actual prevention work. This is why I’m so happy to tell you about
Mar 30, 2018
As we honor Transgender Day of Visibility on March 31st, we are delighted to highlight the work being done to uplift trans people, thanks to these courageous leaders: LaLa Zannell, Pronouns: Goddess/Queen/Sister/Beloved   East Coast Leadership of Trans Women of Color Collective Tell us a little about yourself and your work toward trans visibility?   I am a gifted public speaker and speechwriter who speaks out on issues related to the disproportionate violence that Trans and gender non-conforming people of color face. I spoke at the White House for the first Women’s History Month