La información presentada a continuación se encuentra alojada en el Grupo de oportunidades laborales del NSVRC en Google. Para instrucciones acerca de cómo usar este grupo y publicar tus propias oportunidades, por favor haz click aquí.
Group Instructions
- Go to!forum/nsvrc-jobs and log-in to your Google Account if you have one.
- If you are logged-in to a Google Account, click on the "Apply to join group" button in the top right corner. Your request will be reviewed within three business days.
- If you do not wish to create or use a Google Account to join this group, see instruction below for how to post a job opportunity to this group.
- If you have joined the group, send an email to with the subject line of your formatted email as follows:
Job Title (City, State Abbreviation)
For jobs outside of the United States, please replace "State Abbreviation" with the full name of the country the job is in.
- If you have not joined the group, please send your job opportunity to and it will be reviewed for posting within three business days.