Resources by NSVRC | El Centro Nacional de Recursos sobre Violencia Sexual (NSVRC) Pasar al contenido principal
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Resources by NSVRC

The NSVRC collects information and resources to assist those working to prevent sexual violence and to improve resources, outreach and response strategies. This page lists resources on this website that have been developed by NSVRC staff.

High-profile cases in the media are an important opportunity to educate the public about the realities of sexual assault. Specifics of each case are different, but our role as advocates is always to support survivors and help everyone understand sexual violence. These talking points were created to assist in those discussions. Publish Date February 2016

This publication provides a template for bringing the prevention of sexual violence to the attention of local media outlets. Publish Date January 2016

This publication explains how to develop a community-wide campaign for Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Publish Date January 2016

This list provides examples of events for Sexual Assault Awareness Month based on the goals of awareness, fundraising, healing, community engagement, public policy, and prevention. Publish Date January 2016

This fact sheet defines sexual violence by providing examples and statistics. Publish Date January 2016

This fact sheet discusses strategies individuals, communities, and businesses can use to prevent sexual violence. Publish Date January 2016

This fact sheet provides statistics about the wide-ranging impact of sexual violence on survivors, loved ones, communities, and society in general. Publish Date January 2016

The 2016 Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) campaign materials help to educate individuals, communities, and businesses on steps they can take to prevent sexual violence. Join us in helping everyone to see their role in preventing sexual violence! Prevention Factsheet Resources Prevention is Possible The Impact of Sexual Violence What is Sexual Violence Recursos para la prevención Prevenir es posible El impacto de la violencia sexual Qué es la violencia sexual Campaign Planning Materials How to Create a Campaign Event Planning Guide Sample Letter to the Editor Proclamation   Publish

This discussion guide provides an overview of consent and discusses ways to shift the way we think, talk, and act about sexual assault on college campuses. Publish Date 2015

This publication explores how sexual violence is portrayed in the news and considers the implications of these portrayals for prevention advocates and journalists interested in discussing not just the details of sexual violence, but also how to end it. The findings lay the foundation for ongoing work to define more effective messages about sexual violence that can support prevention policies. This work is part of a multi-year collaboration between the National Sexual Violence Resource Center and Berkeley Media Studies Group. Publish Date September 2015