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Directory of Organizations

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Showing 161 – 170 of 523

Finding Hope

About this Organization

A place for adult women who are survivors of childhood sexual abuse to come together and find SAFETY, COMMUNITY, and EDUCATION.

Contact Information

The Younique Foundation
4101 N Thanksgiving Way
Lehi, Utah 84043

Type of Organization
State or Territory Served

First Nations Development Institute

About this Organization

Through a three-pronged strategy of Educating Grassroots Practitioners, Advocating Systemic Change, and Capitalizing Indian Communities, First Nations Development Institute is working to restore Native control and culturally-compatible stewardship of the assets they own - be they land, human potential, cultural heritage, or natural resources - and to establish new assets for ensuring the long-term vitality of Native communities.


Type of Organization
State or Territory Served

Florida Council Against Sexual Violence

About this Organization

As the state’s sexual assault coalition, the Florida Council Against Sexual Violence (FCASV), a nonprofit, is dedicated to victims and survivors of sexual violence and the sexual assault programs that serve them. Sexual violence is intrinsically linked to the social justice movement, and we are committed to ending the societal attitudes, cultural beliefs, and institutional practices that perpetuate sexual violence and other social injustices. 

Contact Information

1820 E. Park Avenue
Suite 100
Tallahassee, FL 32301

Telephone: 850-297-2000

Fax: 850-297-2002

Toll-Free Information Line: 888-956-7273

State or Territory Served

Florida Immigrant Advocacy Center (FIAC)

About this Organization


Lucha is a partner under ASISTA, an OVW TA provider. The purpose of Lucha (under the OVW TA Project) is to centralize assistance for advocates and attorneys facing complex legal problems in advocating for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking. ASISTA also provides training in collaboration with other OVW TA providers. ASISTA has a resource clearinghouse accessible online. 


Type of Organization

Florida State University

About this Organization

The Clearinghouse on Supervised Visitation is within the Institute for Family Violence Studies, and serves as a resource for supervised visitation centers throughout the State of Florida and nationally. The Clearinghouse is a recipient of a TA grantee from OVW which allowed the Clearinghouse to assist with training Safe Havens grantees and conduct a TA Roundtable on Child Maltreatment.


Type of Organization
State or Territory Served


About this Organization

FORGE is a national transgender anti-violence organization, founded in 1994. Since 2009, we have been federally funded to provide direct services to transgender, gender non-conforming and gender non-binary survivors of sexual assault. Since 2011, FORGE has served as the only transgender-focused organization federally funded to provide training and technical assistance to providers around the country who work with transgender survivors of sexual assault, domestic and dating violence, and stalking. Our role as a technical assistance provider has allowed us to directly see key continued and emerging challenges many agencies are experiencing in serving sexual assault survivors of all genders.


Type of Organization
State or Territory Served

Forum for Equality

About this Organization

Forum for Equality is Louisiana’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) human rights organization dedicated to the establishment of a society free from discrimination and to the support of good government. We believe that the fastest and most efficient way to achieve our goals is through community organization, education, and constructive participation in the political process. Since 1989, Forum has been active in Louisiana by helping to pass civil rights advancements for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community.

Contact Information

4519 S. Claiborne Ave. 
New Orleans, LA 70125
Office: (504) 569-9156
Fax:    (504) 523-8522

State or Territory Served

Freedom Oklahoma

About this Organization

Freedom Oklahoma advocates for lived equality for LGBTQ2S+ Oklahomans. 

We educate allies on inclusive practices, raise awareness about issues that discriminate, build local movements for equality. 

We serve as the voice when our community is attacked and create gathering space for our triumphs.

Contact Information

PO Box 18711
Oklahoma City, OK 73154

(405) 446-8836

State or Territory Served

FreeState Justice

About this Organization

FreeState Justice is a legal advocacy organization that seeks to improve the lives of low-income lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (“LGBTQ”) Marylanders. Despite recent, incremental judicial victories for the national LGBTQ community, the low-income LGBTQ population continues to struggle with legal challenges such harassment, complex family law issues, and anti-LGBTQ discrimination in employment, housing, foster care, healthcare and public accommodations. In addition to needing attorneys with specific knowledge of how the law affects LGBTQ citizens, LGBTQ clients need attorneys who will treat them with respect and understanding. FreeState’s mission is to combine direct legal services with education and outreach to ensure that the low-income LGBTQ community Maryland receives fair treatment in the law and society.

Contact Information

Phone: 410-625-LGBT (5428)

Fax: (410) 625-7423

FreeState Justice
2526 St. Paul St.
Baltimore, MD 21218

State or Territory Served

FUTURES without Violence

About this Organization

For more than 30 years, FUTURES has been providing groundbreaking programs, policies, and campaigns that empower individuals and organizations working to end violence against women and children around the world.

Contact Us

Contact Information

​Main Office Address: 100 Montgomery Street, The Presidio, San Francisco, CA 94129 
Telephone #: 415-678-5500 TTY: 866-678-8901 Fax #: 415-529-2930
DC Office: 1320 19th St. NW, Ste. 401, Washington DC, 20036
Telephone #: 202-595-7382 Fax #: 202-499-6757
Boston Office: 50 Milk St, 16th Fl., Boston MA 02109
Telephone #: 617-702-2004 Fax #: 857-415-3293

Publications: Manuals, posters, public service announcements, training curricula.

Futures Without Violence provides groundbreaking programs, policies, and campaigns that empower individuals and organizations working to end violence against women and children around the world. Training; advocacy; leadership and education.

  • National organization providing information, technical assistance, and training
Type of Organization
State or Territory Served