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Directory of Organizations

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Showing 1 – 10 of 523

3Strands Global Foundation

About this Organization

3Strands Global Foundation was founded in response to an event that shook a small, tight-knit California community. A young girl was trafficked for 8 days before she was recovered by law enforcement. This would later spark the creation of PROTECT prevention education, which has gone on to educate hundreds of thousands of students on how to stay safe from human trafficking.

The 3SGF team then recognized that there needed to be more resources available to survivors and those who face barriers to sustainable economic opportunities. With this in mind, 3SGF launched the Employ + Empower program, which has helped support and economically empower hundreds of individuals.

Contact Information

3941 Park Drive #20-200

El Dorado Hills, CA 95762

​​Tel: 916-365-2606

Type of Organization
State or Territory Served

Asian Women United of Minnesota (AWUM)

About this Organization

We are Asian Women United of Minnesota (AWUM). We are women and men who believe in every woman’s right to a life of peace, wholeness, and happiness. We are a safe place for all women and their children dealing with domestic violence, including physical, emotional, verbal, or sexual abuse. Our mission is to end domestic violence. We provide:

  • A domestic violence 24-hour emergency shelter

  • Support and care for victims of domestic violence

  • Legal and financial advocacy

  • A 24-hour multilingual helpline at 612-724-8823

  • Immigration advocacy and assistance

  • Community awareness-raising about domestic violence

Contact Information

Address: PO Box 6223, Minneapolis, MN 55406
Telephone #: 612-724-0756 Fax #: 313-842-5150
Helpline #: 612-724-8823
Email Address:
Language Capacity: Hindi, Hmong, Lao, Tagalog, Thai, Vietnamese

Social services; public benefits assistance; mental health and family counseling; health services; employment and training; education programs; domestic violence prevention and intervention; information; referral; advocacy; housing assistance;
legal services.

  • Arab-specific program
  • Muslim-specific program
  • I&R: Information & Referral
  • Support services and help-line
State or Territory Served

Jewish Coalition Against Domestic Abuse (JCADA)

About this Organization

JCADA’s mission is to Support victims of domestic abuse to become empowered and obtain safe environments; Educate community professionals and others about domestic abuse and appropriate responses to it; and Prevent future generations from suffering domestic abuse by raising awareness.

JCADA is designed to address the unique needs of Jewish victims and their families in the greater Washington Jewish community. Founded in 1999 in response to a pressing need in the Jewish community, JCADA is a non-profit group allied with a host of organizations whose shared mission to assist victims of domestic abuse to become empowered and obtain safe environments as well as to educate the Jewish community about domestic abuse and appropriate responses to it.

JCADA provides direct clinical services to victims of abuse and their families. Services include: helpline, crisis counseling, safety planning, support groups, and information and referral services.

Contact Information

P.O. Box 2266 

Rockville, MD 20847

Main Office:



Help Line: 


State or Territory Served

The Transformation Project

About this Organization

Our mission is to support and empower transgender youth, young adults, and their families while educating communities in SD and the surrounding region about gender identity and expression.

Transgender South Dakotans deserve better. Far too many transgender youth and young adults in our state and region have faced misunderstanding, hostility, and outright discrimination simply because of who they are. This has created a climate where kids live in fear of being their true selves, where parents desperate for community are increasingly isolated, and where vulnerable people feel powerless. We are determined to change that and turn our home into a place where communities embrace their transgender neighbors, where every family has a support network, and where transgender kids can live safely and authentically. Our vision is one where every young person knows they are loved, valued, and empowered to make their dreams a reality.

Contact Information

Phone: 605-610-8579

Address: 401 E 8th St - Ste 214-3022 - Sioux Falls, SD 57103

State or Territory Served

Trans Justice Funding Project

About this Organization

The Trans Justice Funding Project is a community-led funding initiative founded in 2012 to support grassroots, trans justice groups run by and for trans people in the United States, including U.S. territories. We make grants annually by bringing together a panel of six trans justice activists from around the country to carefully review every application we receive. We center the leadership of trans people organizing around their experiences with racism, economic injustice, transmisogyny, ableism, immigration, incarceration, and other intersecting oppressions. Every penny we raise goes to our grantees with no restrictions and no strings attached because we truly believe in trans leadership.

Contact Information

State or Territory Served


About this Organization

The mission of 1in6 is to help men who have had unwanted or abusive sexual experiences in live healthier, happier lives. 1in6's mission also includes serving family members, friends, partners, and service providers by providing information and support resources on the web and in the community.

1in6 offers a wide range of information and services for men with histories of unwanted or abusive sexual experiences, and anyone who cares about them. Some of the organization's resources include:

  • A 24/7 online helpline where men and the people who care about them can chat one-on-one with a trained advocate.
  • Free and confidential weekly online support groups.
  • A wealth of useful information on topics related to male sexual abuse and assault, including answers to common questions.
  • Trauma-informed trainings and webinars for service providers and organizations around the world.
  • The Bristlecone Project, a collection of portraits, videos, and written narratives of male survivors of sexual abuse and assault.
Type of Organization
State or Territory Served

211 of Connecticut

About this Organization

Mental health crisis intervention services are provided by teams of mental health workers (psychiatrists, RN’s, MSW’s, psychologists, psychiatric technicians) who intervene in situations where an individual’s mental or emotional condition results in behavior which constitutes an imminent danger to him or herself or to another. Mobile crisis teams visit people in their homes or community sites, and others meet clients in clinics or hospital emergency rooms. Psychiatric emergency rooms and mental health facilities can provide crisis services to people in crisis who can travel or get help with transportation to a facility.


In Connecticut, the Department of Children and Families (DCF) provides crisis services for children and youth through Mobile Crisis Intervention Services, Point of entry is through 2-1-1. If a child is in crisis, dial 2-1-1 (open 24/7) and the crisis staff will link you to the appropriate mobile crisis provider for your town. Parents, schools, case managers, or the child or teen themselves can call 2-1-1 for help.


The Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS) provides the same type of service for adults through local mental health authorities. Crisis services are delivered through crisis phone lines, mobile crisis teams, general hospital emergency rooms, walk-in clinics, and full-time, on-site crisis intervention staff. DMHAS-funded emergency crisis intervention centers are located throughout the state.

Contact Information
Type of Organization
State or Territory Served

A Long Walk Home

About this Organization

A Long Walk Home is a Chicago-based national non-profit that cultivates the next generation of leaders committed to gender equity and racial justice. Founded in 2003 by sisters Salamishah and Scheherazade Tillet, A Long Walk Home works with artists, students, activists, therapists, and community organizations and cultural institutions to elevate marginalized voices, facilitate healing, and activate social change.  

Twenty years before #MeToo, A Long Walk Home emerged as a leading organization in the United States using black feminist justice approaches to combat gender violence and racism. 

Contact Information

1658 N Milwaukee Avenue
Suite 104
Chicago, IL 60647

Type of Organization
State or Territory Served


About this Organization

A.S.I.S.T.A. is a partnership funded by the Office of Violence Against Women. 

Our purpose is to centralize assistance for advocates and attorneys facing complex legal problems in advocating for immigrant survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault.

Many service providers are overwhelmed by the increasing complexity of immigration law as it overlaps with other areas. Our clearinghouse offers samples and best practices and our Consultants’ training services are available to enable service providers to more thoroughly fulfill their purposes.

Immigrants are entitled to justice, including in the areas of domestic abuse or sexual assault. All immigrant survivors deserve access to essential services. Our goal is to enable service providers to offer accurate and up-to-date help to immigrant survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault.

Type of Organization
State or Territory Served

Abused Deaf Women’s Advocacy Services

Telephone 1 Type
Telephone 1
About this Organization

Abused Deaf Women’s Advocacy Services (ADWAS) provides advocacy and support to deaf, deaf-blind, and hard-of-hearing persons who are or were victims of domestic violence and/or sexual assault. ADWAS also provides preventive services such as a Positive Deaf Parenting Program, a Children’s Program, and community education. The organization currently has a grant from the U.S. Department of Justice to offer training in cities in the United States to help set up local organizations similar to ADWAS.

Type of Organization
State or Territory Served