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Directory of Organizations

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Showing 181 – 190 of 523


Telephone 1
(202) 436-9278
About this Organization

HEARD is a cross-disability abolitionist organization that unites across identities, communities, movements, and borders to end ableism, racism, capitalism, and all other forms of oppression and violence. HEARD supports disabled people and others who experience ableism by rejecting disability hierarchies and rigid definitions of disability, and by recognizing deaf people as part of disability communities. HEARD works to increase our collective capacity to identify, understand, and challenge oppression through grassroots advocacy, community organizing, peer support, mutual aid, education, and research.

Contact Information

PO Box 1160, Washington, DC 20013

Videophone: (202) 436-9278

Contact Us -

Type of Organization
State or Territory Served


About this Organization

HEART imagines a world where all Muslims, are safe and exercise self determination over their reproductive lives in the communities they live, work, and pray in. We work to advance reproductive justice and uproot gendered violence by establishing choice and access for the most impacted Muslims.

Contact Information

3473 S Martin Luther King Dr, #192,

Chicago, IL 60616

Type of Organization
State or Territory Served


About this Organization

Herstory is a volunteer-run platform designed primarily for adult female survivors of sexual assault. Majority of survivors are not able to define their experience. Our objective is to bridge the gap, and first and foremost provide survivors of sexual assault with the information you need to make sense of what happened. We also share resources to help you navigate your options and take action—when you are ready and should you choose to do so. We reviewed hundreds of resources around sexual assault from scientific articles to social listening to form a well rounded, evidence- and real-world based picture of the issue. We’ve digested the key information into Herstory so that you have access to it all in one place. On our website, you can also download the free Herstory Sexual Assault Guide.

Contact Information
Type of Organization
State or Territory Served

Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Educational Development Center

About this Organization

The Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention serves as the national resource center for institutions of higher education concerned with reducing alcohol, other drug use and violence. Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, with supplemental funding from The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Center helps campuses and the communities in which they’re situated develop and sustain safe, healthy, and learning conducive environments. They provide training, technical assistance, publications, and other information to assist colleges and universities in developing, implementing and evaluating prevention programs and policies.

Type of Organization
State or Territory Served

Hmong Family Strengthening program

About this Organization

The Hmong Family Strengthening program (HFS) at CAP Services’ Family Crisis Center provides specialized, culturally sensitive domestic violence services to Hmong families. Advocates are bilingual and bicultural, and are able to assist those who identify as Hmong, but also work with other organizations to connect clients who identify as Khmer, Karen, Black, Burmese, Chin or LGBTQ+ to needed services.

Contact Information

Adult & Youth Advocate: 715-340-5631

Wisconsin Hmong Family Strengthening Helpline 877-740-4292 is available 24/7 and all calls are answered by Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Advocates. They are based in Wisconsin, however, services are open to anyone who is looking for support, whether it is someone to talk to or someone who is looking for services in their area.

Type of Organization
State or Territory Served

Hmong Women's Association (HAWA)

About this Organization

HAWA’s mission is to advocate for social justice within the Hmong and Southeast Asian community through collective and inclusive action.

At HAWA, our work and the way in which we do our work are guided by the following values:

  • Centering our work around those who identify as Hmong women who are MOST impacted and vulnerable to cultural and systemic oppression
  • Sisterhood-building as a way to foster support and love for ALL Hmong and non-Hmong sisters and brother allies
  • Collective action to engage and mobilize community to act for positive change
  • Social justice advocacy to guide our work
  • Healing as an ongoing embedded practice to repair and restore our sense of who we are

Programs & Services Include:

  • Youth empowering leadership and community organizing programs
  • Sexual assault support and advocacy
  • Domestic violence support and advocacy
  • LGBTQ advocacy
  • Civic engagement
State or Territory Served

Hope Recovery

Telephone 1 Type
Telephone 1
(765) 505-8908
Telephone 2 Type
Telephone 2
(844) 317-2952
About this Organization

Hope Recovery is a nonprofit faith-based organization that provides emotional support to survivors of abuse and sexual trauma.  Support services include but are not limited to support groups, newsletters and workshops.  Support services are free to survivors of abuse, who must be at least 18 years of age.  All survivors are welcome.  To access support, go to Our Program page on our website.

Type of Organization
State or Territory Served

I Have Free Rein

About this Organization

I Have Free Rein is a nonprofit organization that offers prevention education to equip young people with critical awareness and resources that keep them from being exploited into human sex trafficking. We partner with other groups and individuals to fight for the freedom of all those victimized in sexual assault and domestic violence.

 I Have Free Rein

Contact Information
Type of Organization
State or Territory Served