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Directory of Organizations

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Showing 41 – 50 of 523

Arab-American Family Support Center (AAFSC)

About this Organization

The Arab-American Family Support Center (AAFSC) provides culturally and linguistically competent, trauma-informed, multi-generational social services to the marginalized and under-resourced.

We prevent domestic violence, child abuse, and neglect by equipping families with the tools to succeed, offering case management services to victims of violence, and cultivating healthy relationships.

We promote mental and physical well-being, healthy relationships, and all forms of community wellness. We know that families are healthier when they are together so we fight for family reunification.

We prepare immigrant and refugee families to learn, work, succeed, volunteer, give back, and lead productive lives using our culturally and linguistically competent, trauma-informed model.

We communicate the needs of the marginalized to partners and policymakers, aiding New York’s most vulnerable populations.

State or Territory Served

Arizona Coalition to End Sexual and Domestic Violence

Telephone 1 Type
Telephone 1
About this Organization

The mission of the Arizona Coalition to End Sexual and Domestic Violence is to lead, to advocate, to educate, to collaborate, to end domestic violence in Arizona. AzCADV is based in Arizona and has significant, statewide presence. We are a non-governmental, non-profit membership organization that works with more than 170 formal members and allies to carry out our mission and objectives.

Contact Information


2700 N Central Ave, Suite 1100
Phoenix, Arizona 85004


Hours: Mon 8:30-5, Tues 8:30-7, Wed 8:30-5, Th 8:30-5, Fri 8:30-5

Call (602) 279-2980 or (800) 782-6400

Arizona Relay Service 7-1-1

SMS Text Line: (520) 720-3383


State or Territory Served

Arkansas Black Gay Men's Forum

About this Organization

Arkansas Black Gay Men’s Forum (ARBGM FORUM) is a 501c3 nonprofit organization providing services that address health, social and economic disparities among Black Americans with the mission to empower, uplift, and unite Black gay men through interactive dialogue and specific programs.

ARBGMF serves as a think tank on pressing social, economic, and political issues.

Contact Information

Mailing Address

15 Indian Trail
Little Rock, AR 72207

Physical Address

2516 Cantrell Road
Little Rock, AR 72202

State or Territory Served

Arkansas Coalition Against Sexual Assault

Telephone 1 Type
About this Organization

Arkansas Coalition Against Sexual Assault (ACASA) is a statewide coalition of individuals and organizations working together toward the elimination of sexual violence and advocating for sexual assault victims’ rights and services. ACASA provides cohesion, vision and resources to members, while working to change public attitudes and beliefs surrounding sexual violence issues.

Contact Information

Web address is and the resource page for centers is

PHONE: (501) 246-3276

State or Territory Served

ASHA-Ray of Hope

About this Organization

Asha-Ray of Hope works to eliminate violence against women through prevention, education, advocacy, violence documentation, and survivor services, both within and on behalf of the South Asian Community.

Contact Information

Address: 4900 Reed Rd #300, Columbus, OH 43220
Telephone #: 614-326-2121 Helpline #: 614-565-2918
Email Address:
Language Capacity: Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Punjabi, Tamil, Urdu

Support; 24/7 helpline; crisis intervention; safety-planning; case management; information; advocacy (legal, medical, school system, employment); survivor support group; interpretation services; connects victims to resources for counseling, legal assistance, housing, transportation, support services, school, employment; Support services and help-line; cross-cultural trainings for professionals and volunteers; outreach efforts

  • Support services and 24-hour help-line
  • South Asian program: Bangladeshis, Bhutanese, Indians, Nepalis, Pakistanis,​ & Sri Lankans
Type of Organization
State or Territory Served


About this Organization

AshaKiran was started to fill a community need and help foreign born individuals experiencing crises in Alabama to overcome barriers such as language, cultural and/or religious stigmas through education and empowerment and providing culturally sensitive services. Our mission has always been to help any foreign born individual dealing with crises, such as domestic violence and sexual assault, by providing specific culturally sensitive servicesbut we were originally limited to focusing on people with South Asian origins. That focus developed out of an initial lack of language resources. AshaKiran was found by volunteers and those dedicated individuals were comfortable providing services in South Asian languages. As the organization grew so did the number of languages we could operate in. We have achieved our mission and are now able to help any foreign born individual.

Through a variety of community and individual based confidential culturally sensitive programs and initiatives, AshaKiran provides a “ray of hope” toward building a more healthy and harmonious community.Throughout the years, AshaKiran has been fortunate to receive donations and support from various community organizations and businesses as well as several grants from state organizations such as the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (FVPSA), Alabama Council on Developmental Disabilities (ACDD), Victims of Crime Act (VOCA). As a result, AshaKiran has been able to bring on a few new staff and safe home members allowing an increase of services to victims/survivors and in 2015, began expanding its services throughout the state of Alabama providing additional cultural sensitivity trainings and collaborations with state and other non-profit organizations.

Contact Information

The crisis line number is 800-793-3010

State or Territory Served

Ashiyanaa (ASHA)

About this Organization

Ashiyanaa is a 501 (c)3 non-profit organization, that serves people of South Asian heritage with origins in the South Asian countries of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.


Under its old identity ( ASHA for Women ) Ashiyanaa has provided culturally sensitive support services since 1989 to South Asian women facing gender and interpersonal violence (also known as domestic violence), empowering them to become self-sufficient. 

Contact Information

Address: P.O. Box 2084, Rockville, MD 20847
Service Area: Washington DC-Baltimore
Telephone #: 202-683-2019
Helpline #: 888-417-2742
Email Address:
Language Capacity: Bengali, Hindi, Kannada, Marathi, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu

Emotional support; information and guidance about services; financial guidance; referrals to short-term shelter; temporary housing; legal services; accompaniment to
court, shelters, hospitals, government offices; translation services; medical and educational assistance; housing assistance; career counseling and employment advice; educating service providers; community outreach

  • Support services and help-line
  • South Asian program: Bangladeshis, Bhutanese, Indians, Nepalis, Pakistanis, & Sri Lankans
Type of Organization

Asian American Community Services

About this Organization

Asian American Community Services is dedicated to serving the entire Asian and Asian-American population in central Ohio, spanning across countries and continent. Here at AACS, we strive to understand the nuances within these communities and provide services in the most culturally competent manner possible.

Our Family Support Program (FSP) provides services to crime victims (i.e. hate bias, domestic violence, sexual assault and human trafficking). We help our clients navigate emergency assistance, transportation and referrals to partner agencies. In addition, we also provide support to senior citizens through our Senior Outreach Program and youth programming, Healthy Asian Youth (HAY).

Our Asian Health Initiative (AHI) is a collaborative community project that seeks to improve the health of the medically underserved Asian population in Central Ohio. Our goals are to improve access to health care, assist in maintaining good health and host health screenings.

AACS also aids in prevention work through community education workshops and presentations.

We provide 24/7 interpreters in 30+ Asian languages. Our interpreters assist with hospitals, social service agencies, police departments, courts, and schools as well as other public and private organizations in Central Ohio. We have many types of community education courses, such as Computer Literacy (taught in English) and English as a Second Language (ESL) classes.

State or Territory Served

Asian Family Support Services of Austin (SAHELI for Asian Families)

About this Organization

Asian Family Support Services of Austin (AFSSA, formerly SAHELI) transforms the lives of Asian and Pacific Islander families dealing with domestic violence, sexual assault and trafficking to ensure they are happy, thriving and productive members of our communities.

AFSSA does what no other domestic or sexual assault organization in Central Texas can. AFSSA provides a complete continuum of support in over 30 languages, with special care for the unique social, cultural and familial circumstances of the Asian and Pacific Islander communities.

We are a survivor-centered organization supporting women, men, and children who have been affected by domestic violence, sexual assault, or trafficking. Although AFSSA's focus is on the Asian community, we do not discriminate and our services are for anyone who needs assistance. Our services are based on the inherent philosophy that each individual’s experiences, level of resource access and needs differ from one case to another. We strive to provide tailored, cultural and language specific services to anyone who enters through our doors.

State or Territory Served

Asian Pacific American Legal Resource Center (APALRC)

Contact Information

Address: 1627 K Street. N.W., Suite 610, Washington, D.C. 20006
Telephone/Helpline #: 202-393-3572 Fax #: 202-315-0375
(Chinese: ext. 18; Hindi/Urdu, ext. 19; Vietnamese: ext. 20; Korean: ext. 21)
Email Address:
Language Capacity: Cantonese, Hindi, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Tagalog, Thai, Urdu, Vietnamese
Publication: Developing and Maintaining a Successful Legal
Referral Helpline for Immigrant Communities: A How To Handbook

Direct legal services; multilingual legal referral helpline; legal interpreter project; advocacy; Legal Assistance for Victims of Domestic Violence Project; Crime Victims Assistance Partnership (victim compensation program); Housing and Community Development Project; Reaching the Dream” Project (help undocumented youth); Legal Assistance for Domestic Workers Project; civil rights advocacy; walk-in clinics and workshops.

  • I&R: Information & Referral
  • Support services and help-line
  • Asian-specific program
State or Territory Served