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Directory of Organizations

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Showing 481 – 490 of 523

Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund (TLDEF)

About this Organization

Founded in 2003, Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit whose mission is to end discrimination and achieve equality for transgender people, particularly those in our most vulnerable communities. Transgender people have been subject to pervasive discrimination that has kept them, with rare exceptions, hidden from public view. While this discrimination has begun to lessen, transgender people still experience much prejudice and violence.

Our strategies include pathbreaking trans rights cases and "friend of the court" briefs regarding the key issues of employment, health care, education and public accommodations. We seek to coordinate with traditional civil rights organizations and other LGBT civil rights organizations. We also provide public education on transgender rights.   

Contact Information

Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund, Inc.
520 8th Avenue, Suite 2204
New York, New York 10018

Phone: 646.862.9396

Fax: 646.993.1686

State or Territory Served

TransLatin@ Coalition

About this Organization

The TransLatin@ Coalition (TLC) was founded in 2009 by a group of Transgender and Gender nonconforming and Intersex (TGI) immigrant women in Los Angeles, California, as a grassroots response to address the specific needs of TGI Latin@ immigrants who live in the United States.

Since then, the agency has become a nationally recognized organization with representation in 10 different states across the U.S. and provides direct services to TGI individuals in Los Angeles. In 2015, The TransLatin@ Coalition identified the urgent need to provide direct services to empower TGI people in response to structural, institutional, and interpersonal violence, and the Center for Violence Prevention and Transgender Wellness was born. Since then, the organization has secured funding from the state and local government sources as well as several private foundations and organizations to provide direct services to all TGI individuals in Los Angeles County (LAC). TLC’s primary focus is to change the landscape of access to services for TGI people and provide access to comprehensive resource and services that will improve the quality of life of TGI people.

Contact Information

The TransLatin@ Coalition
3055 Wilshire Blvd., Ste 350
Los Angeles, CA 90010

State or Territory Served


About this Organization

TransOhio serves the Ohio transgender and ally communities by providing services, education, support, and advocacy, which promotes and improves the health, safety and life experience of the Ohio transgender individual and community.

Contact Information

TransOhio, Inc.
P.O. Box 14481
Columbus, Ohio 43214

State or Territory Served

TransTech Social Enterprises

About this Organization

TransTech is an incubator for LGBTQ Talent with a focus on economically empowering the T, transgender people, in our community. At TransTech, we learn and work together to develop skills and value within marginalized LGBTQ communities. TransTech members have access to online community and trainings as well.

Contact Information

1 (312) 600-3939

State or Territory Served

TransYouth Family Allies

About this Organization

TYFA empowers children and families by partnering with educators, service providers and communities, to develop supportive environments in which gender may be expressed and respected.

Contact Information

TransYouth Family Allies
PO Box 1471
Holland, MI 49422-471

888-462-8932 (888-IMA-TYFA)

State or Territory Served

Tribal Law & Policy Institute

About this Organization

The Tribal Law and Policy Institute is a Native American owned and operated non-profit corporation organized to design and deliver education, research, training and TA programs which promote the enhancement of justice in Indian country and the health, well-being, and culture of Native peoples.

Type of Organization
State or Territory Served


About this Organization

Trikone is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) people of South Asian descent, who trace their ethnicities to one of the following places: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Myanmar (Burma), Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Tibet. Founded in 1986 in the San Francisco Bay Area, Trikone is the oldest group of its kind in the world.

Contact Information

60 29th Street # 614
San Francisco, CA 94110

Phone: (844) 90-3-KONE (844-903-5663)

State or Territory Served

True Yokefellow Laborers

About this Organization

To positively impact underserved populations whose life experiences have caused psychological and emotional trauma by providing community-based direct services conducive to healing and stability, and to encourage confidence to make healthy life choices through an array of relevant services.

We offer an array of gender-neutral services to encourage healing, growth and self-worth, including:

  • Advocacy
  • Court/Medical In-Person Support
  • Individualized Support
  • Crisis Intervention
  • Holistic Healing
  • Information and Referral
  • Survivor Volunteerism
  • Talking Circles
  • Therapy
  • Transportation Assistance
  • Emergency Assistance

The purpose of this program is to create unique opportunities for targeted community-based organizations to address the critical needs of sexual assault, domestic- and dating violence survivors in a manner that affirms a victim's culture. These opportunities effectively address language and communication barriers for the identified underserved population so they may gain access to appropriate services.

State or Territory Served

Turningpoint for Victims of Domestic and Sexual Violence

About this Organization

Turningpoint for Victims of Domestic and Sexual Violence has provided services and support to our community for 40 years.

Turningpoint began as a crisis line and an all volunteer “safe house” program.  In 1989, after nearly a decade of renting shelter facilities, Turningpoint conducted a successful capital campaign to build its own facility.  With the support of the community, Turningpoint built its first 14-bed shelter, which remains the only domestic and sexual violence crisis shelter in all of Pierce and St. Croix Counties of Wisconsin.

Today, in addition to providing shelter and at 24-hour crisis counseling, Turningpoint offers legal system support, children’s programming, violence prevention education, safety planning, support groups, and emergency food and hygiene products.  Turningpoint has been the state-designated Sexual Assault Services Provider (SASP) for Pierce and St. Croix Counties since 1995.

Contact Information

117 North Main Street
River Falls, Wisconsin 54022
Phone (715) 425-6751

Type of Organization
State or Territory Served


About this Organization

UMOS, a non-profit advocacy organization, provides programs and services which improve the employment, educational, health and housing opportunities of under-served populations.

UMOS began as a single-focused, single state, migrant and seasonal farm worker serving agency only. Today, UMOS offers diverse programs and services to diverse populations with a diverse staff. Currently, UMOS operates 40+ programs with more than $25 million grant and performance-based contracts from federal, state, and local funding sources.

Programs and services provided by UMOS are divided into three major divisions: workforce development, child development, and social services, which include farm labor housing, Teen Tobacco Prevention, HIV prevention services, domestic violence, sexual assault and human trafficking supportive services, home energy assistance, food pantry, farm labor housing and after school programs . In addition to these programs, UMOS sponsors and organizes a number of corporate, cultural and community events in Wisconsin.

The UMOS corporate offices are located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. UMOS programs operate throughout the state of Wisconsin, as well as in Arkansas, Florida, Minnesota, Missouri, and Texas, along with a housing consortium in an eight-state area.

Contact Information

UMOS – Corporate Headquarters

2701 S. Chase Avenue, Suite B

Milwaukee, WI 53207

(414) 389-6000

1-800-279-8667 (toll-free)

State or Territory Served