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Ene 08, 2019
As sexual assault advocates, we serve anyone who seeks services, including children, adults, people in later life, and youth. Certain age groups across the lifespan can be challenging for advocates to work with for a range of reasons outside the survivor’s control. Teens in particular face many circumstances that advocates may find challenging. Working with teens can be like walking a legal tightrope. Depending on state or tribal law, young people may lack the ability to grant consent for services or may not have confidentiality during service provision. Many sexual violence programs do not
Ene 04, 2019
SAAM Event Planning 101 10 SAAM Events to Inspire Your Planning Efforts Planning a SAAM Event on a Budget Embrace Your Voice as a Leader SAAM Campaign Ideas for Your Community How to Engage Your Campus in SAAM Movies to Screen During SAAM How Social Media Can Amplify Your SAAM Message Every April across the U.S., individuals and organizations with a passion for sexual violence prevention take part in Sexual Assault Awareness Month, or SAAM. The goal of SAAM is to raise awareness about sexual violence and educate communities on how to prevent it. While one month isn’t enough to solve the
Ene 03, 2019
This post was developed in partnership with Justin Boardman, Independent Consultant at Boardman Training & Consulting.  NSVRC partnered with retired sex crimes detective Justin Boardman to bring you a series of webinars called “Through the Lens of Law Enforcement.” You will need a free account to view the recordings.   This series helps advocates understand the perspective of law enforcement when working with survivors. In each webinar, Retired Detective Boardman provides his perspective of law enforcement, working with dispatch, medical professionals, prosecution, and
Ene 02, 2019
At the moment we have received as many sign-ups for the SAAM 2019 Action Kit as we can accept. Follow the SAAM blog or our Facebook page to find out if we will be able to distribute more Action Kits in 2019.
Dic 18, 2018
The National Sexual Violence Resource Center library is overflowing with great materials, containing more than 44,000 unique titles and growing every day. NSVRC staff members share four of the collection’s resources you might want to grab for your own library. Looking for research materials? Search the database at www.nsvrclibrary.org. Ask: Building Consent Culture edited by Kitty Stryker  What is consent? How do we ask for it, how do we give it, and what would a consent culture look like? This anthology works to answer those questions, serving up various perspectives on consent. Ask groups 
Dic 17, 2018
A conversation with Susan Sullivan, Prevention Campaign Specialist at NSVRC April may feel like it’s a long time away, but now is the perfect time to start planning for Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) 2019. Get a sneak peek at the upcoming campaign from Susan Sullivan, NSVRC’s Prevention Campaign Specialist. Can you give a quick rundown of what the 2019 theme involves? The 2019 theme focuses on consent, and the slogan is “I Ask.” The campaign will champion the power of asking — whether it be asking to hold someone’s hand, for permission to share personal information with others, or if a
Dic 14, 2018
Last year’s hurricane season was the most destructive in the history of the United States. Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria devastated parts of Texas, Florida, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico. Houses and businesses were left without power, flooding drove people from their homes, and infrastructure was destroyed. Even now, in many areas, that damage has still not been fixed. Along with the dangerous weather conditions and effect on communities, natural disasters also bring with them a heightened risk of sexual violence. Factors like crowded conditions, being housed with strangers
Dic 13, 2018
NSVRC’s newly designed website is now home to two new online toolkits. If you’re a preventionist who wants to learn more about evaluation or a member of a sexual assault response team (SART) that needs some direction, these resources will help get you started! The process of evaluating a sexual violence prevention program can be overwhelming — there are so many different methods and types of evaluation. The Evaluation Toolkit is here to help. Full of tools to help prevention workers increase their capacity to do evaluation work, this toolkit provides accessible, reasonable, and effective
Dic 12, 2018
Since its opening in 2000, the National Sexual Violence Center was under the direction of Karen Baker — until April 2018, when Yolanda Edrington was named the new NSVRC Director. Edrington first started working at NSVRC in 2017 as associate director, and then served as interim director before being officially promoted to director earlier this year. Edrington has more than 15 years of experience in leadership and community engagement. Being NSVRC Director involves managing NSVRC’s operations, including collaborating with national partners and creating and sharing resources on sexual violence
Dic 11, 2018
Turning midstream changes into a roaring river: How RALIANCE and MOCSA pivoted to help more children By Joshua King and Rene McCrearyMetropolitan Organization to Counter Sexual Assault (MOCSA) In 2017, the Metropolitan Organization to Counter Sexual Assault (MOCSA) partnered with RALIANCE through a Category 2 grant to provide therapy for Youth with Problematic Sexual Behaviors (YPSB). This at-risk population is often mislabeled as “sex offenders,” and research shows they can benefit greatly from counseling. However, families, caregivers, and service providers are often uninformed about how or