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Sep 16, 2021
Although all forms of trauma are damaging, trauma that comes from sexual violence is uniquely difficult. Borrowing the definition from the Sexual Trauma & Abuse Care Center, "Sexual trauma can be many things and we use this as an umbrella term to describe any sexual act that is imposed on another person without their consent. Oftentimes the word 'abuse' is used to indicate that the violence was ongoing or long-term. This can be a one-time event or an ongoing experience and does not have to be physically violent." Sexual trauma can be difficult to talk about and, as such, survivors
Sep 16, 2021
Trauma occurs because of the way the human brain is wired. We are programmed to remember things that will be useful for our survival and help us remain safe in the future. When something very bad, painful, or scary happens, our brain wants to keep us safe and make sure it doesn’t happen again. If something very overwhelming happens, the brain expends a lot of effort to navigate us to safety using the fight, flight or freeze response. The fight, flight or freeze response happens automatically when our minds perceive a threat. This is why humans usually experience similar (although various
Sep 16, 2021
ACEs: Also known as Adverse Childhood Experiences, ACEs are childhood experiences of abuse (be it physical, emotional, sexual, or mental) and neglect or larger incidents of household challenge. Household challenges includes things such as the prevalence of addiction, mental illness, and incarceration in the home.  ACEs can also be a childhood marked by excessive stress, worry, or poverty.  ACEs scores are a tool used to calculate a person’s vulnerability to trauma and the impacts of trauma. Higher ACEs scores have been associated with increased experiences of
Sep 16, 2021
Trauma — it’s a word we might use often, but not grasp to its full extent. Although it varies in degree and content, everyone experiences trauma. In fact, our relationships with trauma dictate much of how we both experience  and move through the world. Trauma isn’t one specific thing; it can be layered, complex, or even repressed so that we are unaware of it. Although difficult to define because of its diversity, in essence trauma is the opposite of safety. Trauma is a lasting response to a terrible or troubling event like an accident, death of a loved one or sexual assault. As
Sep 15, 2021
In the aftermath of a lived experience of sexual harassment, abuse, or assault, it can be daunting to reach out to your community for help. Getting help can be even more overwhelming when you aren’t entirely sure what local resources are available to you or what services they offer. It is easy to get bogged down and overwhelmed by technical differences between things like sexual assault coalitions and rape crisis centers, but this article is intended to give a basic background on the history of these organizations and provide clarity on what services these organizations provide. Let’s look
Ago 26, 2021
"A health equity approach to preventing sexual violence means that we need to both understand and address the factors that contribute to violence and safety and factors that expose some communities — especially communities that have been historically oppressed — to higher rates of sexual violence". (NSVRC, 2019)   Prefacing Health Equity: Health equity refers to the equal right to the experience of health and wellness, including equitable access to services and resources, without any barriers or subpar care. It is achieved when disbalances in power, privilege, and social and
Ago 23, 2021
El gobierno de Estados Unidos lista las siguientes diez señales como posibles pistas visuales del tráfico: Vivir con el empleador Vivir en pobreza Condiciones de vivienda precaria Múltiples personas viviendo en poco espacio Incapacidad de poder hablar con una persona de forma individual Respuestas que parecen ser guionizadas y en ensayadas Empleador retiene los documentos de identidad Señales de abuso físico Persona temerosa o submisa Pobre salario o ausencia total de este Menores de 18 y prostitucion Ahora mismo estamos en una situación de preguntarnos cómo crear nuevos métodos de
Ago 23, 2021
Las víctimas de tráfico provienen de múltiples entornos, contextos, son diversos y a veces pasan desapercibidas. Sobrevivientes de tráfico son parte de su comunidad, pueden ser la persona que repara su vehículo, el adolescente que trabaja en el restaurante de la familia o un amigo cercano o familiar que nunca ha contado su historia. En general, no tenemos mucha información acerca de las víctimas de tráfico humano. Es una industria rodeada de vergüenza, miedo y secretismo. Lo que sí sabemos es que la mayoría de víctimas de tráfico se identifican como mujeres. Mujeres y niños/as son los que
Ago 23, 2021
Mientras el número de víctimas de tráfico aumentó en 2020, también lo hizo el de traficantes. Personas que trafican normalmente trabajan como propietarios o responsables de burdeles o falsos negocios de masajes, empleadores de servicios domésticos como niñeras o sirvientas, miembros de pandillas o redes criminales, reclutadores de mano de obra agrícola, propietarios de fábricas, proxenetas, propietarios de pequeños negocios, mano de obra, asociados de cuidado adoptivo o trabajadores sexuales. Mientras pueden trabajar también en el sector informal, traficantes humanos pueden ser también
Ago 23, 2021
La pandemia de la COVID-19 ha mostrado de forma más clara las tendencias y patrones del tráfico, que han sido establecidas desde 1950, así como las nuevas formas de tráfico de personas con el internet. El seguimiento, así como otros crímenes en la sombra, es difícil de entender en su totalidad. Desde la pandemia, la exigencia para las víctimas ha aumentado para poder cumplir con esta demanda creciente e incremento de vulnerabilidad. A pesar de que California tiene el número más alto de personas víctimas de tráfico por año debido a su población (seguido por Texas y Florida), Nevada tiene el