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Ago 23, 2021
La Oficina de las Naciones Unidas contra la Droga y el Delito (UNODC) publicó un informe de alerta roja explicando el empeoramiento de las tendencias del tráfico y explotación sexual durante la pandemia de la COVID-19. Investigaciones recientes indican que la COVID-19 ha incrementado la tasa de incidencia de tráfico sexual por un 40%, no sólo globalmente sino también en EEUU. El tráfico de seres humanos es una de las industrias financieramente más lucrativas de crimen ilegal en el mundo. Los traficantes no sólo se han beneficiado de la desesperación financiera que la pandemia ha causado, sino
Ago 23, 2021
Lea esto en español The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) recently released a red alert report explaining a worsening sex-trafficking and exploitation trend during the COVID-19 pandemic. Recent research has indicated that COVID-19 has increased the incident rate of sex trafficking by 40%, not just in globally but in the USA as well. As the trafficking of human beings is one of the most financially lucrative illegal crime industries in the world, traffickers have not only benefited off of the financial desperation the pandemic has caused, but also
Ago 23, 2021
Taking care of your mental health is just as important as caring for your physical health. Not only are we still dealing with a public health crisis, but we are also in the midst of a mental health crisis. In particular, the financial, emotional, and social stresses of the COVID-19 pandemic are exacerbated for communities of color, who are also dealing with the compounding effects of systemic racism. At NSVRC, we focus a lot on health equity, which our partners at Prevention Institute define as “everyone [having] a fair and just opportunity to attain their full health potential and that no
Ago 12, 2021
We’ve released a lot of new tools over the past year to support advocates in their work with male survivors of sexual assault. We want you to use these tools for individual and collective learning, so we designed a sample curriculum.  The curriculum is organized around the Working with Male Survivors online toolkit, especially the assessment tool Assessing Our Capacity for Serving Male Survivors of Sexual Violence. The curriculum has six sessions.  Each of the middle four sessions call for participants to start by completing reflection prompts and questions. The sessions then go on
Ago 10, 2021
New York Gov. Cuomo Resigns Following Findings of Sexual Harassment and Retaliation Against Victims After 11 survivors came forward reporting sexual harassment, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has announced that he will resign. Those survivors’ statements were captured in a thorough investigation by the Office of State Attorney General Letitia James, leading to a public outcry for the governor’s resignation. PCAR and NSVRC stand by the survivors that came forward to tell their story and withstood public victim-blaming from the governor’s office. We know these survivors
Ago 04, 2021
Athletes have oftentimes given us tales of triumph and victory. Small children look to these people as something to aspire to. Olympians are no exception. This year’s Olympics have brought forth triumph and tragedy in a time that still doesn’t feel right, but somewhat offers a glimpse of normalcy. With this in mind, I have chosen some encouraging children’s books that highlight stories of strength and persistence. I have also chosen some resources to help children recognize their feelings. As we have seen through these games, athletes are human too and deal with the same emotions that adults
Jul 22, 2021
With parents and caregivers working from home and children learning remotely, families may find themselves spending more time together lately. This extended time together is a great opportunity for parents and other caring adults to model healthy behaviors, relationships, and boundaries for the kids in their lives. But this can seem like a daunting task – where do you start? We spoke with Jackie Strohm, the Prevention & Resource Coordinator with the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape, about Safe Secure Kids, a website full of resources, activities, and information for parents, caregivers
Jul 22, 2021
The word that defines the past year and a half could very well be “adapt.” With shutdowns starting in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, followed by uprisings for racial justice across the country spurred by the killing of Black people by police, the months that followed have been an exercise in surviving from moment to moment and determining how best to move forward. Every industry has had to adapt and move away from the way they’ve always operated, and the movement to end sexual assault is no different. Last year saw huge shifts and pivots in fixtures like Sexual Assault Awareness
Jul 06, 2021
July 6, 2021                                                                                                                                                          Laura Palumbo, Communications Director National
Jun 30, 2021
We are outraged, disheartened, frustrated, and hurt on behalf of all survivors following the decision rendered today by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court in the appeal of Bill Cosby’s 2018 conviction on three counts of aggravated indecent assault.   Today’s decision reflects the vast challenges survivors face when they share their experiences of sexual harassment, abuse, and assault in search of justice through the criminal legal system. Far too often, multiple victims must come forward before sexual assault allegations are taken seriously. Cosby will be released because of a technical legal