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Directory of Organizations

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Showing 91 – 100 of 523

Centro Multicultural La Famila

About this Organization

We are a private, not-for-profit, mission-driven organization that provides comprehensive services to a diverse community. While most of the clients we serve now are of Hispanic descent, we strive to offer services to a broader cultural community.

We are proud to be able to offer culturally and linguistically competent services in the areas of mental health, substance abuse, domestic violence, home-based Early Head Start and Great Parents parenting programs, Integrated Care for patients with a chronic medical condition in collaboration with St. Joseph hospital, support and interpretation for pregnant women at Clinica de la Mujer, and Parent Education workshops.

We Provide Spanish/English:

  •     Outpatient Mental Health
  •     Domestic Violence Program
  •     Youth Mental Health First Aid
  •     ESL Classes
  •     Parenting Workshops
  •     Cultural Competence Training
  •     Bilingual Health Education
  •     Assistance with Health Insurance Applications
  •     Mental Health Workshops
  •     Advocacy for victims of bullying, sexual assault, human traficking
  •     Interpretation and Translation services
  •     Citizenship Classes
  •     and more..


State or Territory Served

Chaya Seattle - Domestic Violence Prevention Centre

About this Organization

Chaya Seattle take measures in fostering and strengthening the well-being, development, peace, love, and joy among communities across the Seattle region by means of outreach programs, education, and other sort of program awareness on the prevention of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking. Guided by our core values of integrity, equity, and dignity, Chaya Seattle envisions people across the world helping each other out and restoring the prosperity of the oppressed to create a brighter and sustainable future for the younger generation.

We serve through our innovative and collaborative efforts with other agencies to counsel victims of violence. We understand the diverse cultural norms and stigmas incited by violence to each individual, thus we conduct direct-services program. Through this, we are able to give our clients of all genders and sexual orientation the support that they need so they can start a new and better life.

State or Territory Served

Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation

Telephone 1 Type
Telephone 1
About this Organization

Mission and Vision

CAASE envisions a community free from all forms of sexual exploitation, including sexual assault and the commercial sex trade. CAASE addresses the culture, institutions, and individuals that perpetrate, profit from, or support sexual exploitation. Our work includes:

  • Prevention Education - We teach innovative, evidence based, and engaging curriculum across Chicago to empower students to become active allies in the movement to end gender-based violence.
  • Public Policy and Advocacy - We advocate for local and statewide policies and legislation that expand options for survivors of sexual harm, hold perpetrators and systems accountable, curtail the criminalization of trauma behaviors, and prevent future violence.
  • Community Engagement - We center communities most impacted by sexual harm. These efforts focus on committing time, space, and energy to listening to survivors so their experiences and expertise can inform our work and raise public awareness.
  • Legal Services - We provide individualized legal advice, consultation, and representation following and related to sexual harm. Our attorneys assist survivors in criminal and civil matters.


Social and institutional systems do not adequately serve survivors of sexual violation. Sexual violation disproportionately harms people from marginalized communities, including girls and women, people of color, LGBTQ people, people with disabilities, people living in poverty, and immigrants and undocumented people. To best support survivors, CAASE confronts the inequities that fuel or intersect with sexual harm. Our dedication to this work is reflected in our values.  

  • Dignity - We respect the inherent humanity of all people and strive to expand opportunities for personal autonomy.
  • Accountability - We answer to survivors and collaborate with allies as we seek to hold those responsible for harm accountable.
  • Progress - We create individual, institutional and cultural change by using innovative approaches to ending sexual harm. 
  • Equity - We commit to building a world where every person, with consideration for their intersecting identities and unique circumstances, has the same access to opportunity and power.
Type of Organization

Chicanos Por La Causa (CPLC)

About this Organization

Chicanos Por La Causa (CPLC) formed in 1969 to fight discrimination against the Mexican American community. Inspired by Dolores Huerta and Cesar Chavez, we advocated for equity in education, politics, and labor conditions. Today, CPLC provides services to people of all backgrounds while honoring our Mexican-American roots.

With offices in Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, and Texas, we impact more than 2 million lives every year.

Contact Information


(602) 257-0700

State or Territory Served

Child Welfare Information Gateway

Telephone 1 Type
Telephone 1
About this Organization

Child Welfare Information Gateway promotes the safety, permanency, and well-being of children, youth, and families by connecting child welfare, adoption, and related professionals as well as the general public to information, resources, and tools covering topics on child welfare, child abuse and neglect, out-of-home care, adoption, and more.

A service of the Children's Bureau, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, we provide access to print and electronic publications, websites, databases, and online learning tools for improving child welfare practice, including resources that can be shared with families.

Type of Organization
State or Territory Served

Childhelp USA ®

Telephone 1 Type
Telephone 1
Telephone 2 Type
Telephone 2
About this Organization

The Childhelp USA ® National Child Abuse Hotline is anonymous, toll-free, and available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Counselors are paid professionals. Childhelp USA offers crisis intervention, information, literature, and referrals to the 55,000 agencies in their database and has the capacity to handle calls in 140 languages.

Type of Organization
State or Territory Served

Clan Star, Inc.

About this Organization

The mission of Clan Star is devoted to improving justice to strengthen the sovereignty of Indigenous women through legal, legislative and policy initiatives, and, education and awareness. Clan Star provides technical assistance, training and consultation to Indian Tribes and organizations in the development of public policy strategies addressing violence against women. CSI is a technical assistance provider to recipients of the OVW’s Tribal Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Coalitions grant program. Technical assistance is designed to increase organizational capacity to address the unmet needs of American Indian and Alaska Native women by supporting the development of the leadership and/or organizational membership to effect social change and systemic reform in response to violence against Indian women. Clan Star’s technical assistance has specialized focus on the intersection of federal, tribal and state laws as those laws impact American Indian victims of domestic violence and sexual assault.


Type of Organization
State or Territory Served

Clery Center for Security on Campus

About this Organization

The Clery Center for Security On Campus is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) dedicated to preventing violence, substance abuse and other crimes on college and university campuses across the United States, and to compassionately assist the victims of these crimes. It is a model for social change is built on the fundamental belief that collaboration among key stakeholders will create safer campus communities.



Type of Organization
State or Territory Served

CLUE – Comunidades Latinas Unidas en Servicio

About this Organization

CLUES is Minnesota’s largest Latino-led nonprofit organization, founded in 1981 by and for Latinos. Our work is to ensure the advancement of social and economic equity and wellbeing for Latinos in Minnesota. CLUES has offices on the East Side of St. Paul, Lake Street in Minneapolis, and also Willmar and Austin in Greater MN.

Contact Information


Tel.: 651-379-4200
Fax: 651-292-0347

Tel.: 612-746-3500
Fax: 651-292-0347

Tel.: 507-355-2575

Tel.: 320-262-5106


797 East 7th Street
St. Paul, MN 55106

777 East Lake Street
Minneapolis, MN 55407

111 Main St. N
Austin, MN, 55912

324 3rd Street SW #2
Willmar, MN 56201

State or Territory Served